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Archive for July 27th, 2009

Phi Blocks

This was something I made when I really started getting the hang of getting actionscript to do what I wanted, back around 2003-2004.

I started making little algorithmic applications to generate art based upon a set of criteria.

The block sizes and row heights are randomly generated, yet all relate to each other through the order of 1 and phi.

The colours are similarly randomly generated within a specific set of criteria.

The result is that every time you load the home page a unique image is created.

I’ll be posting some other pieces from those experiments over the coming weeks. They’re also the foundation for something much bigger that combines art and coding. Stay tuned…

The cobbler’s kids always need new shoes…

Kyte Design Logo

It’s hard to find the time to work on your own stuff, but the site is mostly done. I’ll be adding more and more content so please keep checking back. There should be some pretty interesting things going into the Art section over the next few weeks.

I wanted to make my portfolio site super clean, simple and easy to update. Oh, and I didn’t have much time to do it. The idea was really to make as blank a canvas as possible to display the work.

The whole thing is done in WordPress, which is so great to work with for projects like this. Version 2.7 takes it to a whole other level, I really admire what those guys have done.

There’s a fair bit of javascript going on here, from the menu to the sliders to the tooltips. All of it uses jQuery, which is such a great library.

I came up with my logo a few years ago while working in Mexico. I was teaching a design unit on Logotypes and it fired me up to do my own.

Shout outs to Panic Software for the awesome Coda, Transmit and the kick-ass slider ;-) , and to VMWare Fusion which lets me do all this on one machine without having to surrender to the dark side.

©2025 Kyte Design  |  1111 Music Street, New Orleans, LA, 70117  |  504.319.5381  |